

Hair Loss - Ways To Reduce Symptoms

Whether male or female, young or old no one likes even the thought of losing their crowning glory. Imagine if it were actually happening to you now, how would you feel? Although losing your hair is a genetic trait there are ways to help reduce hair loss and even encourage it to grow.

It is said that vitamins encourage hair to grow and also make it stronger. A protein deficiency can be the cause of some hair loss. Since the human hair is mostly made of a protein called keratin, using certain products on a regular basis that contain keratin can aid in the prevention. Vitamin C and B vitamins are good components of healthy hair and increases growth. Suggested dosages of vitamin C are 1,000 to 3,000 mg daily. Some citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, such as lemons and oranges. One of the B vitamins, B3, encourages growth by increasing circulation to the scalp. The best thing to do is to take a supplement that includes all of the B vitamins. Iron also helps increase circulation to the scalp. A few of the foods high in iron are liver, raisins and apricots. Vitamin E is a good vitamin to consider taking to help with hair growth, it can be taken in pill form or used externally by putting it directly on your scalp. Vitamin A helps with growth and also reduces its loss.

Our hair shafts are made of one quart water. Drinking plenty of water helps to keep it healthy and hydrated. Reducing or eliminating alcoholic beverages will also help it to grow. If you are a cigarette smoker you should stop because it is also a cause of hair reduction.

There are also what some would consider more common sense things that can be done to help with growth. For instance, if you are doing something drastic like curling, straightening or using too many different products, it can cause imbalance to the scalp. If you noticed that you are losing hair around this time, then stop curling, straightening and using these different products on your hair. Wash it regularly with warm to normal temperature water. When it is unclean or too much hot water is used, it can damage hair and cause it to start falling out. Reduce stress and anxiety. Not being healthy mentally can lead to not being physically healthy which can cause a lot of hair reduction. Try doing scalp massages, the increased blood flow from the massage helps with its growth. To keep from damaging your hair, try avoiding using chemicals and use only herbal products.

There are plenty of ways and things you can do that can help with growing a fuller mane, including all of the above, but if you try these and numerous others and nothing seems to help, please see your physician as it could be a sign of something more serious.

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