

Hair Loss Myth – Hang Up-Side Down

When looking for new products to review or questions to respond to, I sometimes come across hair loss myths that are just completely bogus, and a little bit funny. Most recently, I heard a myth that hanging upside down can help decrease hair loss. I can honestly say that there is no evidence to support it.

I know there is probably someone out there that claims they sleep upside down every night and now have a full head of hair whereas they used to be incredibly bald or at least headed that way. The bottom line, though, is that if a real clinical trial has not been conducted, it’s probably not a valid option.

Hanging upside down can probably increase the blood flow to your scalp, which is important in helping healthy hair to grow. However, blood flow needs to be increased all the time, not just when you have the time to hang upside down. Unless you sleep upside down, that’s not really a very convenient option.

If you are hanging upside down for extended periods of time, you also have to consider adverse health risks you are subjecting yourself to. First of all, your heart would have to work extra hard to pump blood to your feet, and the blood pressure in your head would be pretty high, which can cause you to black out in the short run, or lead to major headaches in the long run.

Ultimately if you want to increase the rate of blood flow to your scalp, it’s best to use a product with Minoxidil, which is already proven to do just that. You can definitely try hanging upside down, but just know it’s a hair loss myth, and nothing more.

Tagged as: hair loss myth, hair loss scam, hair loss trick, hair loss wives tale

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