

New York Hairline Lowering - Hairline Lowering Procedures Create Facial Balance (Bobby Robert)

Although many people don't give the height of a hairline any thought, for those individuals with a high hairline, the condition can be embarrassing and frustrating. A high hairline can affect the visual shape of the face and often affects those first impressions that are often important when meeting new people or applying for jobs. Both men and women can have high hairlines and some estimates place those numbers at 1 out of 5 people. The "ideal" or standard hairline is typically measured at two to just under two and a half inches above the brow line for women and about two and a half to three inches above for men. Procedures, such as New York hairline lowering, can provide a solution for the men and women who seek it.

Hairline lowering is a surgical procedure which can have a huge influence on your facial appearance. When combined with a browlift, the procedure makes a marked difference in the height of the forehead. Typical results of the surgery usually show a one inch reduction.
For 20% of New Yorkers, this procedure may provide the subtle difference in facial appearance that brings the entire face into a pleasant aesthetic balance.

The procedure of a New York hairline lowering generally takes only two to three hours. Patients who choose the New York hairline lowering surgery can enjoy this change with one session. Within just one week of the surgery, most signs of the operation will be easily covered with the new hairline and a regular routine can be taken up again. The results of the procedure should last for the duration of the patient's life. While some patients have experienced a temporary numbness of their scalp, many who have chosen the procedure have found that the risks where greatly outweighed by the benefits.

It is important that any individual with a high hairline consider carefully when a hairline lowering procedure is the right solution. The results for many patients have provided many comfortable years of satisfaction with their facial proportions.

Patients who choose the New York hairline lowering surgery can enjoy this change with one session. Within just one week of the surgery, most signs of the operation will be easily covered with the new hairline and a regular routine can be taken up again.

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