in via di guarigione ...
4 giorni di convivenza con l'amichetto Herpes e un saluto ad Anna.
come ho detto alla mia amica al telefono ieri, invece che 18 anni me ne sento 81.
senza contare che mi sembra di essere tornata ai tempi della chemio con questa stanchezza infinita che non mi permette di fare niente.
passo le mie giornate a letto a vedere film al computer senza nemmeno riuscire a studiare perchè faccio fatica a concentrarmi. se vado avanti cosi, tra poco sul materasso rimarrà l'impronta del mio sedere.
poi non so voi, ma quando non sto bene e passo le mie giornate chiusa in cameretta a non far niente, mi sento terribilmente sola e avrei voglia che qualcuno mi facesse compagnia. che anche semplicemente mi chiedesse come sto. invece mi rendo conto che a parte le persone a cui tengo di più, quando sto male non c'è mai un cane che mi chieda se va tutto bene o meno.
penso che l'educazione alcune persone l'abbiano dimenticata. ogni tanto è bello sentire che qualcuno si preoccupa per te.
ad ogni modo volevo dedicare un piccolo pezzo di questo post all'autrice del blog,Anna, che si è spenta ieri mattina dopo 6 anni di lotta continua contro la malattia.
non so bene cosa dire o pensare in certe situazioni, sale solo una rabbia incontrollabile e tanta ingiustizia verso questa malattia da cui si guarisce ma molto più spesso si muore.
ma la crudeltà più forte di questo cazzo di cancro, la subisce chi ce la fa. perchè non so voi, ma in queste occasioni non c'è una volta in cui non mi passi per la testa: "ma perchè io si e gli altri no?" ed è una cosa che anche con il passare degli anni,non cambierà mai.
non posso dire di averla conosciuta questa donna, ma conoscevo il suo blog, così come quello di Federica, che anche lei ci ha lasciati qualche mese fa.
e può sembrare stupido ma come ex malata di cancro e soprattutto come cancer blogger, mi sento in dovere di lasciare un pensiero ad una donna ed una mamma forte che non ha smesso mai di lottare, nonostante tutto.
perchè la rete non è soltanto qualcosa di virtuale e "astratto". a volte diventa anche un modo per essere estremamente solidali e forti nei confronti di qualcuno o qualcosa.
nuovo amichetto Herpes Zoster...
visto che io passo 6 giorni su 7 tra scuola e studio, la domenica invece che riposarmi ho pensato bene di passare 4 ore al pronto soccorso dopo aver notato uno strano "eritema" sul petto e sulla schiena.
dopo aver subìto per la bellezza di un'ora e mezza, le lamentele di due signore piuttosto scorbutiche ed egocentriche per la troppa attesa in pronto soccorso, finalmente sono riuscita a parlare con la dottoressa che appena ha visto come era combinata la schiena e il petto, non ha avuto dubbi: Herpes Zoster.
-"se fossi stata una paziente normale, senza precedenti importanti, ti avrei mandata a casa subito con la terapia di aciclovir."
ma anche qui, siccome una paziente normale non potrò più considerarmi, perché ovunque andrò: oculista, dermatologo, dentista, aggiungiamoci pure il callista, sempre la storia del linfoma salta fuori prima o poi, un bel prelievo non me l'ha tolto nessuno.
-"è sufficiente una PCR e un emocromo"
ringrazio il cielo di non essermi accorta che l'infermiere non ha usato una semplice farfallina per il prelievo ma spavaldo, mi ha messo nella piega del gomito, un ago canula anche abbastanza grosso.
ringrazio il cielo di non essermi accorta perché altrimenti mi sarebbero saltati i nervi e la canula probabilmente sarebbe finita in un posto indesiderato...
ok che è la prassi da pronto soccorso e che non si sa mai come si sarebbe potuta evolvere la situazione ma porca paletta un minimo di pietà!
e un minimo di intelligenza nel mettermela magari nella mano invece che nella piega del gomito cazzarola. non avete idea delle manovre per girare lo zucchero nel cappuccino o per tirare su i pantaloni, allacciare la zip, il bottone e la cintura dopo che ho avuto necessità di andare in bagno.
e il tutto con una sola mano!
ancora non so come ho fatto.
dopo tutto credo sia stata l'esperienza passata. se ce l'ho sempre fatta con la flebo attaccata nel braccio, per una canula non mi ferma nessuno.
insomma, per fortuna gli esami sono andati bene, ancora non riesco a spiegarmi come possano essere a posto se l'Herpes Zoster viene a chi ha le difese immunitarie basse nella maggior parte dei casi...
sta di fatto che per le cinque finalmente ho fatto sapere a quel povero cristo del mio ragazzo che è stato in pena tutto il giorno e alle mie amiche, che andava tutto bene.
tolto l'ago canula, tagliato il braccialetto, prese le ricette con il nome delle cinque pastiglie al giorno da prendere, sono pronta ad uscire...
-"Debora, mi raccomando riposati perché potresti accusare molta stanchezza anche dopo diverse settimane, a volte anche mesi dopo la guarigione dallo Zoster."
porca miseriaccia, giusto la stanchezza ci mancava.
però dopo tutto, meglio quella che non una recidiva. perché credetemi... dopo aver visto la febbre, la stanchezza e ieri anche il prurito, dire che avevo il terrore negli occhi era dir poco.
e la febbre persiste...
la febbre non è alta, è intorno ai 37/ 37.5, il punto è che mi si alza spesso la sera, mi fa sentire spossata e debole nonostante sia bassa e poi di botto torna normale, senza nemmeno prendere la tachipirina.
visto che il precedente antibiotico mi aveva dato degli effetti collaterali brutti per cui non lo tolleravo, mi ha prescritto l'augmentin da prendere due volte al giorno se la febbre continua e se eventualmente persiste anche con l'antibiotico, fare gli esami del sangue con VES, pcr , transaminasi, anticorpi e anche citomegalovirus.
mi sono un po' spaventata in questi giorni. perché poi, nonostante i controlli siano andati molto bene, dopo aver avuto un tumore ti resta comunque una specie di shock per cui ogni volta che qualcosa non va, anche semplicemente per qualche banale infezione, ti fai mille paranoie e pensi sempre al peggio.
ora ho la gola rossa. sarà qualche infezione legata a questo, stiamo tranquilli per ora.
eccovi svelata la "sorpresa"
verso fine ottobre mi ha contattata la redazione del giornale Donna Moderna per una breve intervista da inserire in un articolo sulla medicina narrativa e proprio oggi è uscito il settimanale in edicola!
devo dire che ho accettato subito di fare questa intervista, ignorando un po' le voci di chi mi diceva che lo facevo solo per esibizionismo. insomma, non lo farei mai per esibizionismo. del blog per esempio, in pochissimi ne sono a conoscenza tra i miei coetanei ed i miei parenti, per cui non è esibizionismo.
è semplicemente la voglia di poter raccontare la mia esperienza e sapere che quest'ultima potrà essere d'aiuto a qualcuno che si trova a dover affrontare un percorso difficile quanto il mio, così come io ho provato conforto nel leggere le storie degli altri.
è questo il vero motivo di fondo. niente di meno.
se volete comprare il giornale l'articolo è a pagina 144 del settimanale, altrimenti vi lascio le foto dell'articolo di seguito:
l'influenza non mi molla!
sono stata male nuovamente e la dottoressa ha deciso di prescrivermi un antibiotico da prendere per via orale per 6 giorni solo che l'antibiotico mi ha dato degli effetti collaterali bruttissimi e adesso mi ritrovo con l'emicrania ( di cui già normalmente soffro!) raddoppiata, nausea a non finire, stanchezza, senso di testa vuota e capogiri.
un rottame in poche parole perché davvero non trovo altri modi per descrivermi.
oltre a questo, poi, nelle ultime settimane sono un po' giù di morale e mi dispiace quasi darlo a vedere.
chi mi sta intorno non vede più la Debora di prima e anche io lo noto. sarà un periodo transitorio un po' particolare, speriamo passi.
per il resto invece va tutto bene, ho comprato l'Alphatest per studiare per il test d'ammissione a medicina e non vedo l'ora di impegnarmi sul serio!
Hair Loss in Women, Could Stress Be The Culprit?
Have you ever noticed that when a person feels stressed-out, their hair often looks frazzled and fried? Or that a depressed persons' hair often looks dull and lifeless, as if to match the way they feel. This is no coincidence. Our hair reflects our emotional state. There is no denying that stress affects the condition of our hair and can ultimately lead to hair loss.
Stress causes actual physiological changes in our body. These changes throw off our entire equilibrium, and affect every system of our body. Hair is very sensitive to any disturbances or changes within our body. If the disturbance is severe or prolonged the hair growth cycle becomes disrupted, causing excessive hair loss and delaying new growth.
Healthy hair growth is dependent on an intricately balanced hormonal system. An over or under production of certain hormones is a common cause of hair loss. When our body perceives stress, our glandular system responds by producing additional stress hormones.
Our body is well equipped to handle stress as long as there is plenty of time to recover between incidents. Unfortunately our busy hectic lifestyles provide little, if any recovery time between stressful events. This type of chronic, cumulative stress causes harmful effects to the body. Hair loss is often the first symptom.
Cortisol is one of the main hormones involved in combating stress. Too much or too little cortisol can cause hair loss. Cortisol is produced from the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands can become dysfunctional trying to keep up with the demands of stress. Any adrenal gland disorder can lead to hair loss.
Another stress hormone involved in hair loss is corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH). When stress is perceived, CRH signals the sebaceous glands to produce excessive oil. This oil called sebum creates a waxy substance on the scalp, making it difficult for new growing hairs to permeate. Excess sebum can create weak, thin, slow growing hair and hair loss.
Long-term, chronic stress weakens the entire immune system. When the immune system is suppressed the body is less able to fight off bacteria, yeasts, parasites, viruses, and other invading pathogens. This produces a hazardous environment within the body. Under these conditions the hair often responds by falling out.
Stress can also cause the immune system to lose its ability to turn off when it is no longer needed to fight off invasions. An over-activated immune system can trigger or worsen autoimmune conditions and inflammatory conditions. Hair loss is a symptom of many of these types of conditions.
Stress is known to decrease the release of acid in the stomach and to impair digestion. Hair loss is a symptom of gastrointestinal disorders such as Chrons and Celiac. When the digestive system is not functioning properly we may not absorb the nutrients needed to support hair growth. Large amounts of vitamins, minerals and proteins are secreted in the urine before they have a chance to reach our scalp. Extreme stress depletes important nutrients such as selenium and zinc. A deficiency of these nutrients can lead to hair loss.
Stress hinders proper circulation. Muscles become tense and stiff, restricting blood from flowing to the scalp. The scalp depends on blood flow to bring oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles, and to remove toxins and environmental pollutants from the scalp.
Cumulative stress can cause cells to age faster and to eventually stop dividing. Hair is formed from cells at the base of each follicle. These cells multiply and differentiate to form each individual strand of hair. Cellular regeneration must occur in order for new hair to form.
Stress is a major factor in many of the medical conditions in which hair loss is a symptom.
Acute stress, when dealt with effectively has no negative effects on hair growth. It is the chronic, cumulative, prolonged stress that is so destructive to our system. This type of stress causes hopelessness, anxiety, depression, insomnia and bad habits. Often the first place this harmful stress shows up is in our hair. Significant changes in hair can be a warning sign of stress that has gone out of control. Hair loss caused by stress responds well to natural therapies such as massage, aromatherapy or reflexology.
Author Bio
Melanie Vonzabuesnig is the author of Hair Loss in Women... Getting to the Root of the Problem. She is passionate about empowering women with information and solutions involving female hair loss
Article Source: - Free Website Content
Related Hair Loss Articles
The Truth About Hair Loss
It is normal to shed hair every day and the truth is we loose between 100 - 125 hairs on any given day. Some people, however, experience more hair loss than is normal. Hare some alternative health ideas that can help naturally.
Scalp Massage to Improve Hair Loss and Stimulate new Growth
An obvious benefits of scalp massage is increased circulation. The increased blood flow helps to nourish the follicle. The scalp depends on blood flow to bring oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles.
Aromatherapy for Hair Loss-Top Eight Essential Oils to Promote Growth
For fifteen years now I have been able to control my hair loss and maintain healthy hair with aromatherapy. This article contains what I consider to be the top eight essential oils to stimulate and maintain hair growth.
Aromatherapy For Female Hair Loss
The essential oil formulas felt so healing and energizing on my scalp. It was as if I could "feel" them working! Within three months I began seeing and feeling soft new growth.

What Type of Hair Brush Should I Use for Healthy Hair?
When you use the right kind of hair brush and keep it clean you will have strong, healthy, hair, which will not fall out in the future. Then by taking a Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid supplement, you can strengthen your hair.
Hair care starts when you brush your hair. There are at least three things you need to know about how to brush your hair to bring more blood circulation to your scalp. Increasing the blood circulation to your scalp keeps your hair strong.
A Natural Hair Brush
Using a natural bristle like boar's hair is a good decision. The boar bristle hair brush bristles are similar to the keratin of your hair and absorb the dirt and oil just like your hair. In addition the tips of the boar hair brush are rounded and gently massage your scalp and hair.
Kent hair brushes are available in boar hair. But avoid the Kent nylon hair brush if you want the best care for your hair.
The nylon hair brush is not recommended since it is rougher on your scalp and is no where as good as the boar bristle hair brush. The nylon bristles are usually sharp and inflamed your follicles and break your hair when you use it.
Brushing Your Hair
To maintain good hair growth you need good circulation to your scalp. You need also need a clean scalp with little oil and dirt accumulating in your hair follicles. The boar hair brush helps you achieve this when you regularly brush your hair.
Brush your hair when it is dry. This prevents breaking of your hair. When you brush, the gentle pulling of your hair stimulates your scalp bringing in more blood to feed your hair. Also the slight pulling stimulates the release of oil from your follicles which lubricates your hair.
Brush your hair with a boar bristle hair brush twice a day for the best hair care - morning and night. For short hair brush for three minutes and for long hair brush five minutes.
By bending your head to the floor, when brushing, you will increase the blood circulation to your scalp. Now, brush from your neck forward to the front of your scalp, then, from sides to your crown. Lastly, brush from the front of your scalp to the neck.
Cleaning Your Boar Hair Brush
If possible, you should clean your brush every day. If you have two or more hair brushes then it will be easier to do this. Your boar bristle hair brush accumulates dirt and oils from hair when you brush. Without regular cleaning of your hair brush, this dirt and oil will redeposit onto your hair. Over time this added dirt and oil will plug up your hair follicles and lead to hair thinning or permanent hair loss.
You can clean your brush every day when you shower. Clean it with shampoo and scrub the bristles with your hand back and forth. After cleaning, you can dry the brush with a towel and let it sit until the next day. By the next day, it is ready to use and your other brush is ready to be cleaned.
Collagen Supplement
One super supplement to take to strengthen your hair is called Super Collagen + C. Take this supplement with Hyaluronic Acid. Both these nutrients provide collagen for your skin, hair, joints, and many other body areas.
So, using a natural hair brush like the boar bristle hair brush is the best way to care for your hair. Gentle daily brushing stimulates your scalp and keeps you hair healthy. But don't forget to keep your hair brush clean, since your don't want to put the dirt and oil on your brush back onto your scalp.
Author Bio
Rudy Silva, Nutritionist, gives you more tips on healthy hair at:, and at
Article Source: - Free Website Content
Related Hair Loss Articles
The Truth About Hair Loss
It is normal to shed hair every day and the truth is we loose between 100 - 125 hairs on any given day. Some people, however, experience more hair loss than is normal. Hare some alternative health ideas that can help naturally.
Scalp Massage to Improve Hair Loss and Stimulate new Growth
An obvious benefits of scalp massage is increased circulation. The increased blood flow helps to nourish the follicle. The scalp depends on blood flow to bring oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles.
Hair Loss in Women, Could Stress Be The Culprit?
Stress causes actual physiological changes in our body. These changes throw off our entire equilibrium, and affect every system of our body. Hair loss is often the first symptom.
Aromatherapy for Hair Loss-Top Eight Essential Oils to Promote Growth
For fifteen years now I have been able to control my hair loss and maintain healthy hair with aromatherapy. This article contains what I consider to be the top eight essential oils to stimulate and maintain hair growth.
Aromatherapy For Female Hair Loss
The essential oil formulas felt so healing and energizing on my scalp. It was as if I could "feel" them working! Within three months I began seeing and feeling soft new growth.

Hair Loss Remedies for Men and Women
Regardless of your age, you need to be concerned about your hair. The appearance and quantity of hair that you have is a reflection of your internal health. You can use natural hair loss remedies to save your hair.
Of course, when you are young you have plenty of hair. But, there are even some of you at an early age, twenties, start to lose your hair.
The appearance and quantity of hair that you have is a reflection of your internal health.
Aside from a having a serious illness, your hair loss is affected by scalp cleanliness, stress, diet, and excess DHT. Knowing this, you can check out many hair loss remedies available to you.
Scalp cleanliness
If you have dandruff, you need to get rid of it. Dandruff can be a source of hair loss when it combines with dirt, shampoo chemicals, excess sebum follicle oil. Over time this combination of chemicals can create a film on your scalp that hardens and start to plug up your hair follicles. Once plugged, your follicles can't support hair growth.
Dandruff can be caused by excess stress, dry scalp, or chemical irritations. Look to see if you have excess stress in your life and find a way to reduce it. Chemical irritations can come from the shampoos that you are using.
Look for shampoos and conditioners that have natural ingredients. Start moving away from those hair products that have so many petrochemicals and dyes. Petrochemicals are those ingredients that you are not familiar with on the ingredient label - propylene glycol, phenoxyethanol, methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, and FD&C colorings.
Stress is a major contributors to many illnesses. It can also be the main reason you can experience loss of hair. Many years I was under a lot of stress at my new job. During the first 3 month there I experience excessive hair loss on the top of my head.
When you have hair loss due to stress, you can recover this hair if you take action right away. First look at your high stress level and start reducing it. Next, start supplementing your diet with a good hair loss nutritional supplement.
What you eat feeds your body. The type of body you have is based on what you eat. If you do not provide enough nutrients to your body, you hair will not receive enough nutrients to grow and be healthy. Your hair is last in line for the nutrient you supply your body. One way to improve your diet is eat more fruits in the morning and more vegetable for lunch and dinner. You can consider eating natural food hair loss remedies.
DHT (di-hydro-testosterone)
When excessive amounts of testosterone are converted to DHT by the enzyme 5 alpha reductase, this DHT accumulates at the hair root where it blocks blood circulation to that hair follicle. This decrease in blood to the hair root weakens it and it loses its health.
DHT also accumulates in the follicle and starts to plug it, thus further inactivating this hair follicle. The result is your hair start to thin out.
For women, DHT formation is not a major activity until menopause. Before menopause, estrogen blocks the formation of DHT. When estrogen decreases after menopause, DHT starts to form causing hair loss in women.
There are now shampoos that help to clean off accumulated DHT from the scalp and from within the hair follicles. Use them to stop hair loss and to recover some of the hair follicles that are still alive.
There are also some pills that block the formation of DHT in the blood, but I don't recommend them since it is not known what the longer term effects are of this blocking.
Go to google to find out more about DHT (di-hydro-testosterone) shampoos.
Author Bio
Rudy Silva is a nutritionist that writes about different health issues using natural remedies. For more tips on saving your hair go to:, and at
Article Source: - Free Website Content
Related Hair Loss Articles
The Truth About Hair Loss
It is normal to shed hair every day and the truth is we loose between 100 - 125 hairs on any given day. Some people, however, experience more hair loss than is normal. Hare some alternative health ideas that can help naturally.
Scalp Massage to Improve Hair Loss and Stimulate new Growth
An obvious benefits of scalp massage is increased circulation. The increased blood flow helps to nourish the follicle. The scalp depends on blood flow to bring oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles.
Hair Loss in Women, Could Stress Be The Culprit?
Stress causes actual physiological changes in our body. These changes throw off our entire equilibrium, and affect every system of our body. Hair loss is often the first symptom.
Aromatherapy for Hair Loss-Top Eight Essential Oils to Promote Growth
For fifteen years now I have been able to control my hair loss and maintain healthy hair with aromatherapy. This article contains what I consider to be the top eight essential oils to stimulate and maintain hair growth.
Aromatherapy For Female Hair Loss
The essential oil formulas felt so healing and energizing on my scalp. It was as if I could "feel" them working! Within three months I began seeing and feeling soft new growth.
What Type of Hair Brush Should I Use for Healthy Hair?
There are many ways to brush your hair. There are many different types of hair brushes. And there are many different types of nutrients to take for health strong hair. Discover in this article information and tips on all of these three topics.
