

Hair Loss in Men And Women - Myths, Realities And Dealing With Them

The knowledge and enlightenment about the true reasons for baldness is the best way to protect men and women from false claims and impressions.


We must say that it is not true that only men are affected by baldness. In fact baldness is almost equally common among women and men. The degree of alopecia can vary between the sexes.

In men, the loss of head folliclesis starting between 30 and 40 years. Women usually begin between 40 and 50 years. There are rare cases where loss begins between 20 and 30 years.By age 50, about 50% of men show a significant loss of their follicles. In women, 25% by age 50 have significant baldness.In women, the loss of follicles may not be as evident as in men. The reason is because women lose the head follicles evenly.Unlike men lose follicles particularly in areas in front and at the top of the head. Additionally women take better care of their problem in contrast with men that just try to cover their problem.The daily washing, combing and drying, does not accelerate baldness. The claims of some shampoo manufacturers that their products kill the micro demodex deemed guilty of alopecia is not true.In developed societies, the diet of people is rich and vitamin deficiencies are rare. It is a fact that serious deficiencies in the body of vitamins, is leading to baldness but that to the rich countries is uncommon.The claim that the loss of follicles is due to poor blood circulation in the skin of the scalp, it is not true. The truth is that the drugs or methods aimed to claim to stop baldness by improving blood circulation are not effective.The etiology of baldness is complex. Very often there is a family predisposition. It seems that there is a gene responsible for baldness, but the interactions between different genes is inherited from both parents.The hypersensitivity of the follicle on androgenic hormones, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in particular, is a cause of alopecia and baldness.The drugs have gotten approval for the treatment of baldness is finasteride (Propecia) and minoxidil (Rogaine). They help of new hair growth and maintenance.What is important with follicle transplants concerns the quality of the hair loss treatment will be offered. Should the surgeon who will do the transplant be qualified and experienced.

For these reasons, patients who want to do transplantation should be informed of the education and training of the doctor to be approached. It will have to request to see and talk to patients undergoing follicle transplantation by that physician.

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Shivani Kashyap has published 12 articles. Article submitted on July 10, 2013. Word count: 437

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