Natale 2013
tutto a posto e niente in ordine
le cose continuano ad andare cosi e cosi, tutto a posto e niente in ordine come mi ha insegnato una persona.
aspetto semplicemente che tutto si sistemi, è un momento un po' cosi..passo molto tempo a casa a leggere tanto, studiare tanto, pensare tanto.
in questi giorni poi, grazie all'informazione della mia amica, l'autrice del blog Ottanta passi verso l'infinito, mi sono iscritta ad un corso di preparazione al test di medicina della durata di due mesi che si terrà proprio nella sua scuola sperando che possa servirmi a qualcosa e che soprattutto mi permetta di arrivare con un minimo di preparazione a quel famigerato 8 aprile.
intanto stanno per arrivare queste benedette due settimane di vacanze da scuola e non vedo l'ora di staccare la spina da tutto questo stress psicologico da studio!
...a proposito di studio, andiamo a ripassare matematica per la verifica di domani...
momento non bellissimo...
è un momento della mia vita strano. nell'ultimo periodo sono davvero davvero felice per un certo verso però anche tremendamente triste.
è come se delle volte non riuscissi a godermi fino in fondo le cose belle che questi ultimi mesi ma più in generale, gli ultimi due anni mi hanno regalato.
è una cosa che forse può capire bene e davvero, solo chi si è trovato effettivamente nella mia situazione ma è come se mi sentissi ancora troppo troppo legata a tutta la mia storia.
delle volte avrei la voglia matta di scrollarmi via di dosso tutto. di liberare i pensieri e di far finta di essere una ormai quasi diciannovenne come tante. e invece no. invece quella diciannovenne apparentemente normale ha nell'armadio una cartella alta quanto una mattonella e piena zeppa di referti medici che ancora dopo anni rilegge e riguarda, quella stessa ragazza che appena sente nominare la parola "cancro" drizza le orecchie come farebbe un cane sentendo la voce del suo padrone o un bimbo quella della sua mamma.
delle volte mi sento come in trappola e la consapevolezza che non potrò mai liberarmi fino in fondo di tutto un po' mi spaventa.
probabilmente è il periodo di per se un po' bruttino ma la maggior parte dei giorni sono davvero giù.
ad accentuare questo mio stato d'animo ci si mettono anche delle litigate pazzesche con i miei genitori ed io mi sento sempre più delusa sia di loro che di me stessa.
in pratica mi sento davvero uno schifo. vorrei cercare di non fare pesare troppo la cosa a chi mi sta intorno ma mi rendo conto che delle volte è praticamente impossibile fingere che vada tutto bene; prima o poi le persone si accorgono che qualcosa in me non va.
speriamo che queste vacanze di natale mi servano per riprendermi psicologiacamente.
perchè il mese di dicembre e l'atmosfera natalizia mi piacciono cosi tanto.
in via di guarigione ...
4 giorni di convivenza con l'amichetto Herpes e un saluto ad Anna.
come ho detto alla mia amica al telefono ieri, invece che 18 anni me ne sento 81.
senza contare che mi sembra di essere tornata ai tempi della chemio con questa stanchezza infinita che non mi permette di fare niente.
passo le mie giornate a letto a vedere film al computer senza nemmeno riuscire a studiare perchè faccio fatica a concentrarmi. se vado avanti cosi, tra poco sul materasso rimarrà l'impronta del mio sedere.
poi non so voi, ma quando non sto bene e passo le mie giornate chiusa in cameretta a non far niente, mi sento terribilmente sola e avrei voglia che qualcuno mi facesse compagnia. che anche semplicemente mi chiedesse come sto. invece mi rendo conto che a parte le persone a cui tengo di più, quando sto male non c'è mai un cane che mi chieda se va tutto bene o meno.
penso che l'educazione alcune persone l'abbiano dimenticata. ogni tanto è bello sentire che qualcuno si preoccupa per te.
ad ogni modo volevo dedicare un piccolo pezzo di questo post all'autrice del blog,Anna, che si è spenta ieri mattina dopo 6 anni di lotta continua contro la malattia.
non so bene cosa dire o pensare in certe situazioni, sale solo una rabbia incontrollabile e tanta ingiustizia verso questa malattia da cui si guarisce ma molto più spesso si muore.
ma la crudeltà più forte di questo cazzo di cancro, la subisce chi ce la fa. perchè non so voi, ma in queste occasioni non c'è una volta in cui non mi passi per la testa: "ma perchè io si e gli altri no?" ed è una cosa che anche con il passare degli anni,non cambierà mai.
non posso dire di averla conosciuta questa donna, ma conoscevo il suo blog, così come quello di Federica, che anche lei ci ha lasciati qualche mese fa.
e può sembrare stupido ma come ex malata di cancro e soprattutto come cancer blogger, mi sento in dovere di lasciare un pensiero ad una donna ed una mamma forte che non ha smesso mai di lottare, nonostante tutto.
perchè la rete non è soltanto qualcosa di virtuale e "astratto". a volte diventa anche un modo per essere estremamente solidali e forti nei confronti di qualcuno o qualcosa.
nuovo amichetto Herpes Zoster...
visto che io passo 6 giorni su 7 tra scuola e studio, la domenica invece che riposarmi ho pensato bene di passare 4 ore al pronto soccorso dopo aver notato uno strano "eritema" sul petto e sulla schiena.
dopo aver subìto per la bellezza di un'ora e mezza, le lamentele di due signore piuttosto scorbutiche ed egocentriche per la troppa attesa in pronto soccorso, finalmente sono riuscita a parlare con la dottoressa che appena ha visto come era combinata la schiena e il petto, non ha avuto dubbi: Herpes Zoster.
-"se fossi stata una paziente normale, senza precedenti importanti, ti avrei mandata a casa subito con la terapia di aciclovir."
ma anche qui, siccome una paziente normale non potrò più considerarmi, perché ovunque andrò: oculista, dermatologo, dentista, aggiungiamoci pure il callista, sempre la storia del linfoma salta fuori prima o poi, un bel prelievo non me l'ha tolto nessuno.
-"è sufficiente una PCR e un emocromo"
ringrazio il cielo di non essermi accorta che l'infermiere non ha usato una semplice farfallina per il prelievo ma spavaldo, mi ha messo nella piega del gomito, un ago canula anche abbastanza grosso.
ringrazio il cielo di non essermi accorta perché altrimenti mi sarebbero saltati i nervi e la canula probabilmente sarebbe finita in un posto indesiderato...
ok che è la prassi da pronto soccorso e che non si sa mai come si sarebbe potuta evolvere la situazione ma porca paletta un minimo di pietà!
e un minimo di intelligenza nel mettermela magari nella mano invece che nella piega del gomito cazzarola. non avete idea delle manovre per girare lo zucchero nel cappuccino o per tirare su i pantaloni, allacciare la zip, il bottone e la cintura dopo che ho avuto necessità di andare in bagno.
e il tutto con una sola mano!
ancora non so come ho fatto.
dopo tutto credo sia stata l'esperienza passata. se ce l'ho sempre fatta con la flebo attaccata nel braccio, per una canula non mi ferma nessuno.
insomma, per fortuna gli esami sono andati bene, ancora non riesco a spiegarmi come possano essere a posto se l'Herpes Zoster viene a chi ha le difese immunitarie basse nella maggior parte dei casi...
sta di fatto che per le cinque finalmente ho fatto sapere a quel povero cristo del mio ragazzo che è stato in pena tutto il giorno e alle mie amiche, che andava tutto bene.
tolto l'ago canula, tagliato il braccialetto, prese le ricette con il nome delle cinque pastiglie al giorno da prendere, sono pronta ad uscire...
-"Debora, mi raccomando riposati perché potresti accusare molta stanchezza anche dopo diverse settimane, a volte anche mesi dopo la guarigione dallo Zoster."
porca miseriaccia, giusto la stanchezza ci mancava.
però dopo tutto, meglio quella che non una recidiva. perché credetemi... dopo aver visto la febbre, la stanchezza e ieri anche il prurito, dire che avevo il terrore negli occhi era dir poco.
e la febbre persiste...
la febbre non è alta, è intorno ai 37/ 37.5, il punto è che mi si alza spesso la sera, mi fa sentire spossata e debole nonostante sia bassa e poi di botto torna normale, senza nemmeno prendere la tachipirina.
visto che il precedente antibiotico mi aveva dato degli effetti collaterali brutti per cui non lo tolleravo, mi ha prescritto l'augmentin da prendere due volte al giorno se la febbre continua e se eventualmente persiste anche con l'antibiotico, fare gli esami del sangue con VES, pcr , transaminasi, anticorpi e anche citomegalovirus.
mi sono un po' spaventata in questi giorni. perché poi, nonostante i controlli siano andati molto bene, dopo aver avuto un tumore ti resta comunque una specie di shock per cui ogni volta che qualcosa non va, anche semplicemente per qualche banale infezione, ti fai mille paranoie e pensi sempre al peggio.
ora ho la gola rossa. sarà qualche infezione legata a questo, stiamo tranquilli per ora.
eccovi svelata la "sorpresa"
verso fine ottobre mi ha contattata la redazione del giornale Donna Moderna per una breve intervista da inserire in un articolo sulla medicina narrativa e proprio oggi è uscito il settimanale in edicola!
devo dire che ho accettato subito di fare questa intervista, ignorando un po' le voci di chi mi diceva che lo facevo solo per esibizionismo. insomma, non lo farei mai per esibizionismo. del blog per esempio, in pochissimi ne sono a conoscenza tra i miei coetanei ed i miei parenti, per cui non è esibizionismo.
è semplicemente la voglia di poter raccontare la mia esperienza e sapere che quest'ultima potrà essere d'aiuto a qualcuno che si trova a dover affrontare un percorso difficile quanto il mio, così come io ho provato conforto nel leggere le storie degli altri.
è questo il vero motivo di fondo. niente di meno.
se volete comprare il giornale l'articolo è a pagina 144 del settimanale, altrimenti vi lascio le foto dell'articolo di seguito:
l'influenza non mi molla!
sono stata male nuovamente e la dottoressa ha deciso di prescrivermi un antibiotico da prendere per via orale per 6 giorni solo che l'antibiotico mi ha dato degli effetti collaterali bruttissimi e adesso mi ritrovo con l'emicrania ( di cui già normalmente soffro!) raddoppiata, nausea a non finire, stanchezza, senso di testa vuota e capogiri.
un rottame in poche parole perché davvero non trovo altri modi per descrivermi.
oltre a questo, poi, nelle ultime settimane sono un po' giù di morale e mi dispiace quasi darlo a vedere.
chi mi sta intorno non vede più la Debora di prima e anche io lo noto. sarà un periodo transitorio un po' particolare, speriamo passi.
per il resto invece va tutto bene, ho comprato l'Alphatest per studiare per il test d'ammissione a medicina e non vedo l'ora di impegnarmi sul serio!
Hair Loss in Women, Could Stress Be The Culprit?
Have you ever noticed that when a person feels stressed-out, their hair often looks frazzled and fried? Or that a depressed persons' hair often looks dull and lifeless, as if to match the way they feel. This is no coincidence. Our hair reflects our emotional state. There is no denying that stress affects the condition of our hair and can ultimately lead to hair loss.
Stress causes actual physiological changes in our body. These changes throw off our entire equilibrium, and affect every system of our body. Hair is very sensitive to any disturbances or changes within our body. If the disturbance is severe or prolonged the hair growth cycle becomes disrupted, causing excessive hair loss and delaying new growth.
Healthy hair growth is dependent on an intricately balanced hormonal system. An over or under production of certain hormones is a common cause of hair loss. When our body perceives stress, our glandular system responds by producing additional stress hormones.
Our body is well equipped to handle stress as long as there is plenty of time to recover between incidents. Unfortunately our busy hectic lifestyles provide little, if any recovery time between stressful events. This type of chronic, cumulative stress causes harmful effects to the body. Hair loss is often the first symptom.
Cortisol is one of the main hormones involved in combating stress. Too much or too little cortisol can cause hair loss. Cortisol is produced from the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands can become dysfunctional trying to keep up with the demands of stress. Any adrenal gland disorder can lead to hair loss.
Another stress hormone involved in hair loss is corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH). When stress is perceived, CRH signals the sebaceous glands to produce excessive oil. This oil called sebum creates a waxy substance on the scalp, making it difficult for new growing hairs to permeate. Excess sebum can create weak, thin, slow growing hair and hair loss.
Long-term, chronic stress weakens the entire immune system. When the immune system is suppressed the body is less able to fight off bacteria, yeasts, parasites, viruses, and other invading pathogens. This produces a hazardous environment within the body. Under these conditions the hair often responds by falling out.
Stress can also cause the immune system to lose its ability to turn off when it is no longer needed to fight off invasions. An over-activated immune system can trigger or worsen autoimmune conditions and inflammatory conditions. Hair loss is a symptom of many of these types of conditions.
Stress is known to decrease the release of acid in the stomach and to impair digestion. Hair loss is a symptom of gastrointestinal disorders such as Chrons and Celiac. When the digestive system is not functioning properly we may not absorb the nutrients needed to support hair growth. Large amounts of vitamins, minerals and proteins are secreted in the urine before they have a chance to reach our scalp. Extreme stress depletes important nutrients such as selenium and zinc. A deficiency of these nutrients can lead to hair loss.
Stress hinders proper circulation. Muscles become tense and stiff, restricting blood from flowing to the scalp. The scalp depends on blood flow to bring oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles, and to remove toxins and environmental pollutants from the scalp.
Cumulative stress can cause cells to age faster and to eventually stop dividing. Hair is formed from cells at the base of each follicle. These cells multiply and differentiate to form each individual strand of hair. Cellular regeneration must occur in order for new hair to form.
Stress is a major factor in many of the medical conditions in which hair loss is a symptom.
Acute stress, when dealt with effectively has no negative effects on hair growth. It is the chronic, cumulative, prolonged stress that is so destructive to our system. This type of stress causes hopelessness, anxiety, depression, insomnia and bad habits. Often the first place this harmful stress shows up is in our hair. Significant changes in hair can be a warning sign of stress that has gone out of control. Hair loss caused by stress responds well to natural therapies such as massage, aromatherapy or reflexology.
Author Bio
Melanie Vonzabuesnig is the author of Hair Loss in Women... Getting to the Root of the Problem. She is passionate about empowering women with information and solutions involving female hair loss
Article Source: - Free Website Content
Related Hair Loss Articles
The Truth About Hair Loss
It is normal to shed hair every day and the truth is we loose between 100 - 125 hairs on any given day. Some people, however, experience more hair loss than is normal. Hare some alternative health ideas that can help naturally.
Scalp Massage to Improve Hair Loss and Stimulate new Growth
An obvious benefits of scalp massage is increased circulation. The increased blood flow helps to nourish the follicle. The scalp depends on blood flow to bring oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles.
Aromatherapy for Hair Loss-Top Eight Essential Oils to Promote Growth
For fifteen years now I have been able to control my hair loss and maintain healthy hair with aromatherapy. This article contains what I consider to be the top eight essential oils to stimulate and maintain hair growth.
Aromatherapy For Female Hair Loss
The essential oil formulas felt so healing and energizing on my scalp. It was as if I could "feel" them working! Within three months I began seeing and feeling soft new growth.

What Type of Hair Brush Should I Use for Healthy Hair?
When you use the right kind of hair brush and keep it clean you will have strong, healthy, hair, which will not fall out in the future. Then by taking a Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid supplement, you can strengthen your hair.
Hair care starts when you brush your hair. There are at least three things you need to know about how to brush your hair to bring more blood circulation to your scalp. Increasing the blood circulation to your scalp keeps your hair strong.
A Natural Hair Brush
Using a natural bristle like boar's hair is a good decision. The boar bristle hair brush bristles are similar to the keratin of your hair and absorb the dirt and oil just like your hair. In addition the tips of the boar hair brush are rounded and gently massage your scalp and hair.
Kent hair brushes are available in boar hair. But avoid the Kent nylon hair brush if you want the best care for your hair.
The nylon hair brush is not recommended since it is rougher on your scalp and is no where as good as the boar bristle hair brush. The nylon bristles are usually sharp and inflamed your follicles and break your hair when you use it.
Brushing Your Hair
To maintain good hair growth you need good circulation to your scalp. You need also need a clean scalp with little oil and dirt accumulating in your hair follicles. The boar hair brush helps you achieve this when you regularly brush your hair.
Brush your hair when it is dry. This prevents breaking of your hair. When you brush, the gentle pulling of your hair stimulates your scalp bringing in more blood to feed your hair. Also the slight pulling stimulates the release of oil from your follicles which lubricates your hair.
Brush your hair with a boar bristle hair brush twice a day for the best hair care - morning and night. For short hair brush for three minutes and for long hair brush five minutes.
By bending your head to the floor, when brushing, you will increase the blood circulation to your scalp. Now, brush from your neck forward to the front of your scalp, then, from sides to your crown. Lastly, brush from the front of your scalp to the neck.
Cleaning Your Boar Hair Brush
If possible, you should clean your brush every day. If you have two or more hair brushes then it will be easier to do this. Your boar bristle hair brush accumulates dirt and oils from hair when you brush. Without regular cleaning of your hair brush, this dirt and oil will redeposit onto your hair. Over time this added dirt and oil will plug up your hair follicles and lead to hair thinning or permanent hair loss.
You can clean your brush every day when you shower. Clean it with shampoo and scrub the bristles with your hand back and forth. After cleaning, you can dry the brush with a towel and let it sit until the next day. By the next day, it is ready to use and your other brush is ready to be cleaned.
Collagen Supplement
One super supplement to take to strengthen your hair is called Super Collagen + C. Take this supplement with Hyaluronic Acid. Both these nutrients provide collagen for your skin, hair, joints, and many other body areas.
So, using a natural hair brush like the boar bristle hair brush is the best way to care for your hair. Gentle daily brushing stimulates your scalp and keeps you hair healthy. But don't forget to keep your hair brush clean, since your don't want to put the dirt and oil on your brush back onto your scalp.
Author Bio
Rudy Silva, Nutritionist, gives you more tips on healthy hair at:, and at
Article Source: - Free Website Content
Related Hair Loss Articles
The Truth About Hair Loss
It is normal to shed hair every day and the truth is we loose between 100 - 125 hairs on any given day. Some people, however, experience more hair loss than is normal. Hare some alternative health ideas that can help naturally.
Scalp Massage to Improve Hair Loss and Stimulate new Growth
An obvious benefits of scalp massage is increased circulation. The increased blood flow helps to nourish the follicle. The scalp depends on blood flow to bring oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles.
Hair Loss in Women, Could Stress Be The Culprit?
Stress causes actual physiological changes in our body. These changes throw off our entire equilibrium, and affect every system of our body. Hair loss is often the first symptom.
Aromatherapy for Hair Loss-Top Eight Essential Oils to Promote Growth
For fifteen years now I have been able to control my hair loss and maintain healthy hair with aromatherapy. This article contains what I consider to be the top eight essential oils to stimulate and maintain hair growth.
Aromatherapy For Female Hair Loss
The essential oil formulas felt so healing and energizing on my scalp. It was as if I could "feel" them working! Within three months I began seeing and feeling soft new growth.

Hair Loss Remedies for Men and Women
Regardless of your age, you need to be concerned about your hair. The appearance and quantity of hair that you have is a reflection of your internal health. You can use natural hair loss remedies to save your hair.
Of course, when you are young you have plenty of hair. But, there are even some of you at an early age, twenties, start to lose your hair.
The appearance and quantity of hair that you have is a reflection of your internal health.
Aside from a having a serious illness, your hair loss is affected by scalp cleanliness, stress, diet, and excess DHT. Knowing this, you can check out many hair loss remedies available to you.
Scalp cleanliness
If you have dandruff, you need to get rid of it. Dandruff can be a source of hair loss when it combines with dirt, shampoo chemicals, excess sebum follicle oil. Over time this combination of chemicals can create a film on your scalp that hardens and start to plug up your hair follicles. Once plugged, your follicles can't support hair growth.
Dandruff can be caused by excess stress, dry scalp, or chemical irritations. Look to see if you have excess stress in your life and find a way to reduce it. Chemical irritations can come from the shampoos that you are using.
Look for shampoos and conditioners that have natural ingredients. Start moving away from those hair products that have so many petrochemicals and dyes. Petrochemicals are those ingredients that you are not familiar with on the ingredient label - propylene glycol, phenoxyethanol, methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, and FD&C colorings.
Stress is a major contributors to many illnesses. It can also be the main reason you can experience loss of hair. Many years I was under a lot of stress at my new job. During the first 3 month there I experience excessive hair loss on the top of my head.
When you have hair loss due to stress, you can recover this hair if you take action right away. First look at your high stress level and start reducing it. Next, start supplementing your diet with a good hair loss nutritional supplement.
What you eat feeds your body. The type of body you have is based on what you eat. If you do not provide enough nutrients to your body, you hair will not receive enough nutrients to grow and be healthy. Your hair is last in line for the nutrient you supply your body. One way to improve your diet is eat more fruits in the morning and more vegetable for lunch and dinner. You can consider eating natural food hair loss remedies.
DHT (di-hydro-testosterone)
When excessive amounts of testosterone are converted to DHT by the enzyme 5 alpha reductase, this DHT accumulates at the hair root where it blocks blood circulation to that hair follicle. This decrease in blood to the hair root weakens it and it loses its health.
DHT also accumulates in the follicle and starts to plug it, thus further inactivating this hair follicle. The result is your hair start to thin out.
For women, DHT formation is not a major activity until menopause. Before menopause, estrogen blocks the formation of DHT. When estrogen decreases after menopause, DHT starts to form causing hair loss in women.
There are now shampoos that help to clean off accumulated DHT from the scalp and from within the hair follicles. Use them to stop hair loss and to recover some of the hair follicles that are still alive.
There are also some pills that block the formation of DHT in the blood, but I don't recommend them since it is not known what the longer term effects are of this blocking.
Go to google to find out more about DHT (di-hydro-testosterone) shampoos.
Author Bio
Rudy Silva is a nutritionist that writes about different health issues using natural remedies. For more tips on saving your hair go to:, and at
Article Source: - Free Website Content
Related Hair Loss Articles
The Truth About Hair Loss
It is normal to shed hair every day and the truth is we loose between 100 - 125 hairs on any given day. Some people, however, experience more hair loss than is normal. Hare some alternative health ideas that can help naturally.
Scalp Massage to Improve Hair Loss and Stimulate new Growth
An obvious benefits of scalp massage is increased circulation. The increased blood flow helps to nourish the follicle. The scalp depends on blood flow to bring oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles.
Hair Loss in Women, Could Stress Be The Culprit?
Stress causes actual physiological changes in our body. These changes throw off our entire equilibrium, and affect every system of our body. Hair loss is often the first symptom.
Aromatherapy for Hair Loss-Top Eight Essential Oils to Promote Growth
For fifteen years now I have been able to control my hair loss and maintain healthy hair with aromatherapy. This article contains what I consider to be the top eight essential oils to stimulate and maintain hair growth.
Aromatherapy For Female Hair Loss
The essential oil formulas felt so healing and energizing on my scalp. It was as if I could "feel" them working! Within three months I began seeing and feeling soft new growth.
What Type of Hair Brush Should I Use for Healthy Hair?
There are many ways to brush your hair. There are many different types of hair brushes. And there are many different types of nutrients to take for health strong hair. Discover in this article information and tips on all of these three topics.

follow up # 7
il dh in questi ultimi mesi è stato spostato all'ottavo piano e c'è una confusione generale e una disorganizzazione non da poco; credo che i lavori che stanno facendo nell'ospedale stiano creando solo confusione e nient'altro.
in ogni caso è andato tutto bene, la dottoressa è molto molto molto contenta della mia storia clinica e di come siano andati gli esami in questi quasi 24 mesi di follow up e già da gennaio partiranno i controlli ogni sei mesi quindi poi ne avrò ancora per giugno e per gennaio 2015. stop.
se penso che manca solo un anno mi sento la persona più felice di questo mondo.
è passato cosi tanto tempo che a volte quasi dimentico tutto il percorso che ho intrapreso, tutte le difficoltà, le paure, l'umore altalenante e la voglia di essere una persona normale.
poi capitano dei giorni che non si sa perché, tutti questi ricordi riaffiorano e sembra passarti davanti, come se avessi premuto il tasto "riavvolgi" di una cassetta, tutto il tuo percorso e allora ti rendi conto davvero della strada percorsa fino ad adesso, della persona che sei ora e della gratitudine che infondo infondo, devi alla malattia per averti fatta arrivare fin dove sei.
non c'è niente che ho odiato più al mondo di questa stupida malattia ma non c'è nemmeno niente che possa ringraziare di più per avermi fatta diventare ciò che sono ora.
e adesso non mi resta che aspettare il 2015 con quel pizzico di tranquillità in più che aumenta man mano che il tempo passa.
stay tuned
purtroppo però, non mi sono informata se ne posso parlare o meno, per cui tenetevi pronti semplicemente ad una sorpresa!
e appena potrò, vi informerò su tutto.
influenza ( di nuovo) e novità follow up.
un'altra volta.
questa volta però è stata molto forte con tosse, febbre a 38, stanchezza a non finire e preoccupazione grande di chi mi stava intorno.
così sono stata dalla mia dottoressa di base ( che ho avuto finalmente la decenza di cambiare, ed è pure molto brava!) che mi ha visitata e mi ha prescritto delle vitamine da prendere per aiutare le difese immunitarie e un anti tosse bello potente.
oltre a questa visita poi, il 29 mi tocca una minuscola parte di "follow-up"
si, l'ospedale mi ha chiamata e ha deciso di farmi fare tutti gli esami strumentali a gennaio ( ultima volta fatti a giugno scorso) e l'esame del sangue e la visita proprio martedì prossimo.
ma non è così semplice la cosa... siccome sto cavolo di ospedale in ristrutturazione non è nemmeno in grado di trovare un buco di 10 minuti per un prelievo, mi tocca farlo in un altra struttura, aspettare l'esito, portarlo il 29 alla dottoressa che li controlla e mi visita.
in tutto questo c'è la scuola che sta cominciando in modo discreto e devo dire che non vedo l'ora di uscire da questo istituto tecnico del cavolo per andare all'università.
proprio in questo campo, credo di avere avuto un ripensamento su una mia forte convinzione.
voglio fare ancora medicina, non spaventatevi, su questo non cambierò mai idea.
semplicemente prima ero fortemente convinta di tentare il test una volta sola e se non dovessi passarlo, iscrivermi in qualche altra facoltà sanitaria soprattutto per il fatto che già esco dalla scuola che ho 19 anni e mezzo perché il fatto di essere nata a gennaio, un po' mi svantaggia, se poi consideriamo che medicina dura 11 anni.
ecco, questa convinzione me la sono auto smontata nei giorni scorsi.
mi sono detta: ma se medicina è davvero quello che voglio fare, ma chi cavolo mi impedisce di tentare due volte? chi se ne frega se inizierò a lavorare a 32 anni invece che 31. direi che non mi cambia la vita.
mi cambierebbe invece rinunciare in partenza dopo il primo fallimento.
due anni esatti dalla mia "rinascita"...
26 novembre 2011.
poi c'è stato un altro ricovero più o meno corto a causa della candida provocata dalla radioterapia e li, proprio dopo avere incontrato Andrea, ora uno dei tanti angeli del reparto (questa è la pagina dell'associazione che sua mamma ha aperto per combattere contro la leucemia infantile , sono stata dimessa il 3 dicembre 2011.
come vedete sono un po' le date che avrei potuto imprimere sulla mia pelle.. specialmente l'ultima.. quella in cui finalmente sono tornata alla mia vita di sempre eppure... una parte di me ha sempre saputo che sarebbe stato giusto così.
la chemioterapia è stata quella con cui tutto ha avuto inizio e quella che ha avuto maggior peso nella mia guarigione. 5 mesi contro 13 giorni di radioterapia.
la data di fine chemio per me ha un significato troppo importante, quel 4 ottobre 2011, io mi sentivo finalmente libera. la mia mente viaggiava già due mesi più avanti.. a quando sarebbero spuntati timidi i primi capelli ( molto più simili a peli di gatto che a capelli ma che emozione!!),
a quando sarei ritornata a scuola tra i miei compagni, a quando avrei rimesso per la prima volta il mascara dopo che mi sarebbero ricresciute le ciglia... pensavo a quando sarei riuscita a camminare e fare le scale in modo sciolto senza che la chemio comandasse sul mio corpo e le mie capacità motorie.. volevo poter bere un bicchiere di birra in compagnia senza che il cortisone mi provocasse ulcere allo stomaco e bruciori pazzeschi la notte.. volevo finalmente tornare me stessa e vi assicuro, che sapere che da quel momento in poi, nessuna schifosissima sostanza passerà più nel vostro sangue, vi farà sentire le persone più felici di questo mondo.
oggi, 4 ottobre 2013, sono due anni esatti che ho provato queste e mille altre sensazioni.
vorrei scrivere molte cose, ma va bene cosi.. credo che il post che ho scritto l'anno scorso abbia reso fin troppo bene l'idea di cosa abbia significato per me tutto questo.. ..
oggi, è anche un anno e un giorno che ho il mio amatissimo tatuaggio... e a chi mi chiede in continuazione: "ma non te ne pentirai?" io rispondo che, a distanza di un anno, ne sono sempre più innamorata, lo custodisco gelosamente come fosse un diamante perché mi ricorda costantemente la ragazza forte che sono stata, e la ragazza "rinata" che sono ora. e come faccio a pentirmene??!
ho preso la patente!
ho fatto l'esame sta mattina saltando bellamente quattro ore di lezione a scuola e ho guidato veramente da Dio.
eravamo quattro persone: io, la mia migliore amica e altri due tra i quali una donna che ha appena avuto un bambino da quattro mesi e che per auto tranquillizzarsi ripeteva a manetta: " massi, io ne ho passate di peggio, quattro mesi fa avevo la pancia aperta in sala operatoria per far nascere mio figlio.. un' esame di guida non è niente"
beh, a questo punto, cosa dovrei dire io? forse per me dovrebbe essere tutto un barzelletta.
e comunque anche io spesso mi ritrovo a fare questo ragionamento... prima che arrivasse il mio turno ero agitata e avevo il cuore in gola poi mi sono imposta di calmarmi. infondo ho varcato la soglia di un ospedale per fare chemio per mesi e mesi, non posso permettermi di agitarmi per un esame.
e così sono entrata in macchina e ho fatto parcheggio a L, ad S, inversione, strada extraurbana e urbana. mi hanno fatto accostare, ho firmato un foglio e mi hanno consegnato la patente.
oggi si festeggia.
sono davvero contenta, un altro traguardo raggiunto alla grande. e come dice il mio ragazzo, ora manca solo il test di medicina!
per il resto in questi gironi ho avuto notizie dall'ospedale e a quanto pare non lo hanno fatto apposta a non chiamarmi. c'è stata una dimenticanza ( che comunque non sarebbe dovuta succedere!!) e così tra qualche settimana è probabile che riesca a fare tutti i miei esami del caso.
aspettiamo e vedremo...
influenza e rassicurazioni.
per carità, ormai mi sono rassegnata al fatto di essere piuttosto malandata quando mi ci metto ma cavolo, è solo settembre e già sto male.
la cosa che poi odio di quando sono costretta a stare a casa a cause dell'influenza è quello stato semi depressivo nel quale cado puntualmente.
non prendetemi per pazza, ci ho lavorato molto e va anche meglio adesso ma siccome il cervello in questo senso sa essere molto potente e giocare brutti scherzi, ( come avevo raccontato sotto un altro punto di vista qui spesso mi ritrovo, quando ho la nausea soprattutto, a piangere.
è inutile che spieghi che in tutti quei mesi di malattia sono stata talmente male che anche a distanza di due anni, quando ricapita, automaticamente penso a quel periodo.
non vi so spiegare perchè, alcuni dicono che sono rimasta ancora troppo "attaccata" alla malattia, altri dicono che non è poi cosi strano, altri semplicemente non capiscono.
per quanto mi riguarda, credo che è stata una situazione talmente brutta e traumatica, soprattutto per la mia età, che è difficile non pensarci, a maggior ragione quando magari si sta male.
infondo, se ci pensate, la cosa più brutta e più nitida che un ex malato di cancro può ricordare di quel periodo, è proprio la nausea e lo star male.
non so nemmeno io spiegarvi perchè mi accada questo, insomma, a distanza di due anni sono rare le volte in cui ancora tiro in ballo la malattia e ne parlo perchè grazie a Dio ora la normalità prevale ( salvo alcuni casi e alcune situazioni) eppure devo lavorarci ancora molto.. ogni volta mi ripeto: " Debora, è solo influenza, pensa a quando stavi male davvero!" e allora, piano piano mi calmo.
in questi giorni, comportandomi cosi faccio forse preoccupare anche un po' le persone alle quali voglio bene.. per esempio il mio fidanzato mi ha più volte espresso la sua preoccupazione per la mia salute.
conoscendomi da poco e non avendo intrapreso insieme a me il cammino della malattia, è normale che sia preoccupato e che faccia spesso tante domande perchè ha voglia di capire quello che ho passato e che sto passando ora.
a me questa cosa fa un enorme piacere perchè secondo me non c'è cosa più bella che voler "entrare" per cosi dire nel passato di una persona alla quale si vuole bene per capire quello che ha passato e come sta ora.
beh, non c'è ragione di preoccuparsi troppo però. è vero, diciamo che non ho avuto proprio la varicella ma non dimentichiamo che grazie a Dio il mio tumore è uno dei più curabili e guaribili per cui io sono sempre stata molto ottimista e a maggior ragione lo sono ora che sono passati quasi due anni dallo stop.
è normale preoccuparsi per chi si ama, questo lo capisco, ma proprio grazie a Dio non ce ne è pi il motivo.
che scuola superiore hai fatto? rubavo macchine....
diciamo che tutto va bene per ora. la scuola è iniziata mercoledi e già da subito i professori non hanno perso un momento a parlarci della maturità come se giugno fosse già alle porte e l'esame fosse imminente.. per cui già ho l'ansia, senza contare che io dovrei avere il test d'ingresso di medicina ad aprile!
non a caso quest'anno dovrò impegnarmi molto. credo che già sarà complicato studiare bene ed in modo approfondito le solite materie scolastiche, in più devo contemporaneamente preparare altre tre materie praticamente da zero. ( perchè non sono nata genio e non sono andata a fare un liceo scientifico invece di ragioneria??)
direi che quest'anno si prospetta piuttosto complicato. se non arrivo a giugno con un livello di stress alle stelle mi sorprenderei di me stessa.
ad ogni modo sono contenta uguale. non vedo l'ora di poter uscire da questa scuola e lasciarmi alle spalle tutto. non voglio nemmeno più sentirla nominare.
se un giorno mi dovessero chiedere che scuola ho fatto mi limiterò a rispondere ironicamente che rubavo macchine piuttosto che ricordare cinque anni veramente di merda.
chiacchiere scolastiche a parte, domani ricomincio con il volontariato in croce rossa che avevo lasciato i primi di agosto per le vacanze e quindi si ricomincia a lavorare sodo anche su questi fronti..
a breve può essere che vi parlerò anche di un progettino al quale sto lavorando e che spero di poter realizzare.... ma questa è una sorpresa.
leggere attentamente le avverteze prima dell'uso: post melenso in arrivo....
Italo Calvino
siccome sta per iniziare la scuola ed io avrei dovuto leggere diversi libri di autori italiani importanti tra cui appunto Italo Calvino con "il barone rampante" ma che appunto non ho letto talmente ero presa dallo studiare matematica, ieri sono andata su internet a leggermi le trame di questi libri come fanno tutti i "cattivi" studenti che non hanno voglia di leggere. ma io non è che non ho voglia di leggere. mi sta sulle palle che un libro mi venga imposto. io leggo e anche molto, è una delle mie passioni in assoluto ancor prima della scrittura ma proprio questo fatto non lo sopporto...
ma veniamo al dunque di questo post, non ho piazzato a caso questa frase cosi bella all'inizio del post solo per "abbellirlo".. no.
questa frase è dedicata a qualcuno in particolare. la stessa persona di cui vi ho parlato nel post del 12 agosto perché credo che rispecchi nel modo più assoluto come mi sento da quando lo conosco.
avete presente quelle persone che incontrate quasi per caso, per un'amicizia comune, perché lui conosce tuo fratello... si, insomma, quel genere di incontri che fai e che un minuto dopo ti lasciano dentro qualcosa.. qualcosa che nemmeno tu sai spiegarti e che per un anno intero cerchi di non dargli troppo peso anche se al contempo cominci a tenere sempre più a questa persona.
poi succede che basta una chiacchierata più "intensa" del solito, il racconto della tua e della sua storia per far scattare qualcosa.. sono sempre stata una ragazza piuttosto riservata e ancora oggi, a poche persone racconto la mia storia perché c'è sempre un velo di imbarazzo, anzi no, di paura. primo non vuoi fare pena alla persona in questione e secondo non vuoi che questa reagisca male e ti tratti in modo diverso.
sta volta è stato differente... lui è una di quelle persone che ti ispira fiducia, sicurezza, che quando le abbracci ti senti a casa... ecco io per esempio adoro un angolino del mio letto tra la parete in legno che sorregge il letto a ponte e la testata del cuscino...
ecco quando lo abbraccio mi ricorda quell'angolino, mi fa sentire a casa, protetta, come se in quel momento non avessi bisogno di nient'altro.
oppure ancora meglio come direbbe Fabio Volo in una frase di un suo libro: "lui è entrato in quella parte di cuore dove ci sono le cose più buone, quella simile ad una credenza dei dolci dove c'è la nutella, i biscotti, le merendine, la marmellata.. quell'angolo di cuore dove quando uno ci entra, succeda quel che succeda, da lì non uscirà mai."
lui è una di quelle persone che quando le hai vicino sei felice lo stesso. che anche se giri in lungo e in largo tutta la Brianza in pullman per venirlo a trovare a casa, non ti pesa. lo faresti anche semplicemente per stagli vicino. cosi, senza magari nemmeno parlare, senza nemmeno prendersi la mano perché basta quella presenza. basta che con la coda dell'occhio la vista percepisca che lui è vicino.
scusate il post melenso fino a far venire il diabete ma che ci volete fare, quando si è innamorati è cosi. e poi oggi sono felice anche perché per me è una giornata molto importante.
oggi, sono 23 mesi esatti che ho vinto la mia battaglia. 24 mesi, due anni, il prossimo 4 ottobre.
e quindi è anche per questo che sono felice e ringrazio la mia forza e il team di medici e infermieri per avermi dato ancora la possibilità di poter scrivere certe parole come una ragazzina innamorata qualunque.
la "resa dei conti finale".....
io non mi pronuncio ancor prima di aver visto "ammessa" sui cartelloni il prossimo sabato mattina ma a grandi linee dovrei andare in quinta!
mi sono tolta un peso, menomale! anche se a dirla tutta oggi non è giornata.
ho un grandissimo mal di stomaco, mal di testa e stanchezza a non finire.... ma che mi sto ammalando per caso??
per il resto tutto va bene, finalmente a fine settembre do l'esame pratico di patente cosi posso evitare di scomodare sempre i miei genitori quando esco con le amiche, o evitare di spendere i soldi del treno/ autobus/ metro quando mi sposto in giro per Monza e dintorni.
intanto mi sale la rabbia per la storia del controllo in ospedale che vi avevo scritto forse due o tre post fa... cioè io dovrei andare a fine mese e invece mi tocca aspettare fino a fine gennaio... infondo ci spero che la dottoressa mi chiami almeno per farmi sapere qualcosa ma probabilmente mi illudo.
Does Biotin Wash Actually Work For Hair Loss? (Chirag Savaliya)
Baldness is a typical problem and it's one which both men and women alike may feel somewhat uncomfortable about and seek to repair. Because of this, the marketplace is saturated in every kind of hair growth product possible. Biotin shampoos particularly would be the latest trend. Labels of numerous of those shampoos record the great results of biotin on the hair to aid make revenue. Lots of people buy these shampoos on intuition and may are gently conscious of this link. Similarly, you will find a growing quantity of biotin conditioners available. Most of the shampoos and conditioners state to work in conjunction with one another and can be purchased together, often at reduced price. You can also get biotin ointments and lotions that can be rubbed in to the head that state to help with hair loss.
All this is very good in principle, but does it actually work? Unfortuitously, the clear answer is not any. Biotin shampoos and conditioners are only marketing hype. Does biotin help people struggling with hair loss? Yes. However it only has this result when taken internally. Washing your own hair with it or rubbing it on your head is going to do practically nothing since biotin can't be absorbed through your skin. These over-priced shampoos and conditioners won't actually hurt you, however they will leave you with much less paying money.
Again, biotin really helps hair when taken internally. Don't forget that the body normally produces some biotin. You may need more, if you're dropping hair. The very best supply of biotin is food. Biotin are available in foods such as yeast, liver, eggs, and milk products. Nevertheless, individuals who don't have a diet frequently choose to supplement with biotin supplements. Many drug store shelves are filled with B-complex vitamins. B vitamins work most useful when taken together, but you can purchase biotin alone in tablet form, if you currently get enough of another B vitamins. With one of these supplements, more isn't better; the suggested daily amount on the name ought to be plenty to have effect on your own hair.
Chirag savaliya is a dedicated internet researcher of health issues including hair loss. She shares her research on her website, If you suffer from male/female pattern baldness or other hair loss disorders, side Effects of Biotin to learn about natural alternatives to thinning hair for both men and women.Men Hair Loss Solution - You Are Not Forced To Live With Baldness (Website seo)
First step:
It is obvious that you are feeling low because of hair loss, but take a positive step and don’t let baldness drive your living. Meet a dermatologist to know what exactly causing the hair loss. There can be many reasons for hair loss. One of the most common causes is Androgenic alopecia which affects generally men. Never worry because there are treatment for that.
Androgenic alopecia:
Androgenic alopecia is one of the inherited medical condition known, which causes tapering hair. Men are the common victim of Androgenic alopecia, but in some cases women can also get the medical condition. Mens hair loss problem is mostly caused by Androgenic alopecia. In simple terms because of excess DHT, which is hormone name, in the scalp, men start to loose hair. If you can eliminate dihydrotestosterone or DHT from your scalp, you will be able to solve the men’s hair loss problem.
Men hair loss solution:
There are many ways to cure the condition of Androgenic alopecia. If you choose to treat this condition naturally then you have option of herbal treatment called saw palmetto. Another method that can give you positive result is DHT blocking process. Experts prescribe you drugs that can block DHT and help you grow hair again. Once you have successfully removed the DHT, the follicles again grow normal hair.
LLL Therapy:
Another way you can treat Men's Hair Loss problem is by low level laser therapy. This method is relatively new but very effective. This therapy stimulates the tired hair follicles and forces sebaceous glands to produce hairs. Importantly this treatment is affordable and anyone facing the problem of hair loss can undergo the treatment.
Don’t let hair loss lower your confidence level. You can easily treat the medical condition like Androgenic alopecia by undergoing the LLL or low level laser therapy. Before the men hair loss solution get your scalp analysis done by an expert. If you diagnosed with Androgenic alopecia, never worry, you can solve this out with the help of dermatologists.

Hair Regrowth For Men And Women - Say No To Hair Loss Problem (Website seo)
Address the issue: Key to success
The signs of hair loss are very simple. When you brush your hairs, they will fall. When you wake up in the morning you will notice that your pillow is full of hair. Even during the shower, you can notice that your hairs are falling. If you attend this issue early you have a great chance of recovery. Hair regrowth for men and women is possible.
If you start experiencing that your hairs are falling abnormally, it's time to see a dermatologist. A dermatologist will examine your scalp and diagnose your problem. Once you are diagnosed with a hair loss issue, pick a treatment and start re-growing hair.
Treatment: Hair regrowth for men and women
There are numerous treatments available, but one of the convenient and effective treatments is laser treatment. A crown laser hair treatment is a painless treatment which is very popular and effective for both men and women. In the light of this laser treatment hair regrowth for women and men is easily possible. In this process, experts will try to stimulate blood flow in the scalp, which will eventually help hair regrowth.
Experts also use particularly prepared conditioners and shampoos to improve the process of hair regrowth. Because the laser treatment is very simple and especially painless, it is very popular among people who are looking to re-grow their hair. All you need is to find a clinic where they offer crown laser treatment.
Finding a clinic:
Finding a clinic in your area is fairly an easy task. You can also explore online recourse to find a clinic in your area. When browsing any website, don’t forget to check men and women success stories. It will give you a fair idea the reputation of the clinic.
When it comes to hair restoration for women and men, crown laser therapy works perfect. There are thousands of men and women success stories available. Find a reputed clinic and get the diagnosis and treatment done. Unlike the past, today, you don’t have to deal with hair loss problem permanently. Thanks to the latest technology!

Things You May Get Wrong About Hair Transplant (Ashmit Goel)
40+? Is hair loss nightmare troubling you? Dr. Nayyar spills the beans over hair loss treatment.
Hair loss or baldness, considered god's favorite way of punishing according to the Old Testament, really bothers. Several factors like aging, hormonal changes and hereditary reasons, contribute to hair loss or baldness. Trauma burns or any other accidental reasons can be causes to hair loss. Reconstructive surgeries are opted for not so natural hair loss.
"It looked tough with baldness; people stared, laughed, talked. At 28, it was a nightmare looking like a 40+," tells Ajit. "It was an acquaintance who introduced me to Dr. Nayyar. We had hair transplant sessions and things have looked great for me since then".
Dr. Nayyar is a hair transplant expert serving the industry for over 20 years now. He is an expert in combining the strip with FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). "It is great to find people taking interest in hair transplant technology, which though is 30 year old but have gained popularity in recent times," says Dr.Nayyar.
Secrets unfolded
Donor: Consider checking the medical history of the donor. "99.9% of the donors are the host themselves. However, in severe cases, where all the hair has been lost and host is unable to procure the prerequisites, an external donor can be opted for." A reconstructive surgery would be apt for severe hair loss cases.
Psychologically sound: The fact that physiological advantages tend to be a sign of relief, it is important to be psychologically sound. It is instinct that serves better purpose than intellect. It has been noted that people generally tend to be aggressive about the procedures and hair surgery transplant.
Hair health: It is imperative to look after your hair even more than you used to. The results show better when hair is looked after properly. Taking prescribed medications, a regular therapy session is vital part of the process. "I have had patients who complain about results. I tell them to attend sessions even after the transplant surgeon is over with treatment for hair re-growth".
Value for money: Make the most of money you spent on hair loss transplant. Make sure your surgeon tells you the pros and cons of the hair transplant. In some cases, the survival of the graft is minimal, which results in loss of time and money.
If you are thinking about getting hair transplant, these secrets may help you get better treatment for hair loss.

Explore The Best Hair Fall Solution in The Market - Rapid Hair Fiber
Hair lossis notreally a pleasant thought for you. It is indeed a very frustrating thing on your part just in case you have this kind of issue. You can never rebuff the fact that there are some people this time who are now facingthis kind of problem. This is really common to all since anyone has the possibility to experience bald problems. This dilemma is really common to the adults since age is one of the factors in losing every strand on their scalp.
With this kind of bald problem, it is expected that you have the ways on how to solve this. You need to look for the best ways or solution for your hair fall. However, if you do not have any notions about the different ways to solve this problem, then it is a must to read the following considerations for your guide:
Try to look for the hair fall solution in the market. Probably, you are asking yourself if how you can do that for good. Thatis so simple.You can just do that by having survey among all the products in the circulation.Indeed, there are severalproducts which you can found and use for good. But, make sure that the products that you have chosen is really best for you. Do not just take a trial and error method in usingthe products.It is a mere fact that consulting to your trusted doctor about the problem is really a good idea to be done. At least,any doctor is expert in line with their profession. So, you can have a guarantee that you will be aided by your doctor about the products to take.Also, you can read some reviews on the different websites about the products. Once you have found the best product among the rest of all, then that is now the time that you can use it for several times. Make sure that you are not allergic with the product that you are using so that you can absolutely have the best solution for your hair fall.Before takingthe product or applying an ointment onto the bald areas, you need to ask the feedback of the customers about the product. By this, you may know if it is really effective for you or not. Of course, the previous users will share their experiences with you. So, you can get any idea about the product.With those great ideas that were cited above, you can possibly find the ideal hair fall solution in the marketplace which is Rapid Hair Fiber. Just do something whichyou know is right so that you will find the best remedy for your bald problems.
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Written by: J E BrownBiotin and Hair Loss - Is Supplement B7 the Very Best Complement For Rebuilding Hair Loss? (Chirag Savaliya)
Biotin, a naturally-occurring element within our bodies encourages hair re-growth and helps with the procedure of wearing down unsaturated fats. Studies show that the absence of vitamin H leads to hair loss.
One of the ways supplement H stops reduction is by increasing the hair's flexibility, which guards against damage. B7 also thickens the cuticles to give the look to you of a fuller head of hair.
Biotin is an associate of the B-complex vitamin family. It had been found in the 1930s and formerly called vitamin H. In the 1940s, researchers discovered that when baby birds were given a high quantity of fresh egg whites they dropped the hair around their eyes and produced a skin rash. (I've no idea what caused this type of study!) The signs disappeared after egg yolk was put into the small chickadee' diet.
Food boffins decided there's a protein and sugar material in uncooked egg whites that binds with biotin to stop absorption. (That's why some athletes who drink raw eggs suffer with hair loss.) The egg yolk was recognized as among the best resources of biotin in diets.
Other food resources of biotin are liver, veggies, milk, fish, grains, good fresh fruit, and nuts. For hair thinning victims who don't wish to eat an enormous quantity of eggs and liver (ugh!) to supply them with all the biotin, you will find products available.
Its main benefit is defining nails and hair, even though, biotin helps in the k-calorie burning of essential fatty acids, carbs and protein. Males and females who experience loss may recover their magnificent hair to its former sparkle by using a fruitful complement containing this vitamin.
Deficiencies in biotin in the human anatomy can influence the situation of one's hair and the deficit can result:
* Thinning
* Breakage
* Loss
Biotin apparently increases your power level and also keeps your skin healthier! Women that are pregnant or nursing may involve a heightened requirement for this product. Many women throughout pregnancy are usually in a greater threat of lack. Study shows not exactly 1 / 2 of women that are pregnant have reduced degrees of this product, which could result in hair loss.
Supplement H products are recommended as a safe treatment to combat hair thinning in children and adults. Biotin is one therapy that works wonders for victims. B7 has additionally proved to be useful in maintaining blood sugar levels levels.
Several biotin customers record obvious progress within their skin, hair, fingernails, and vitality. The amount of daily use depends upon the in-patient but a consumption of 30 to 100 micrograms each day is recognized as an ordinary dose for adults. For the countless men and women experiencing reduction, biotin might help re-grow hair to restore your glorious glory!
Among the greatest advantages of biotin and hair thinning reduction, is there are not any known negative effects! These vitamins are water-soluble meaning they're perhaps not saved by your body which means you can't get way too many! Supplement H is flushed from the program and new products should be taken every single day to advertise healthier hair growth.
Chirag savaliya is a dedicated internet researcher of health issues including hair loss. She shares her research on her website, If you suffer from male/female pattern baldness or other hair loss disorders, to learn about natural alternatives to thinning hair for both men and women.Biotin Hair Development - Among the Very Best Hair Development Remedies (Chirag Savaliya)
Biotin is an associate of the B vitamin family. It's the B7 vitamin, often called vitamin H (I thought this is funny as it may result in vitamin 'Hair '). It's several essential roles to play within our human anatomy, like the metabolism of protein and carbohydrates. Other essential procedures this supplement minds are the healthy and regular growth of skin, fingernails and of course, hair, that will be what we're interested in.
Biotin hair growth is becoming among the biggest areas within the hair growth industry. It's used to enhance the rate of development, aid the strength of hair and even reverse hair loss. There have been many studies which have found the many results Biotin retains on our hair.
Therefore, what are the results if we've a Biotin deficit? Well, many unpleasant things can occur to us. As significant problems caused by this deficiency are incredibly rare, don't get frightened. We ought to all concern yourself with exactly what a insufficient Biotin may do to the hair, which obviously isn't something life threatening.
Here's what might occur to your own hair when you yourself have a Biotin deficiency:
Lack of head hair. The lightest of symptoms
Lack of eye-brows. & eye-lashes
Lack of human anatomy hair in numerous areas. This may suggest a far more cut issue, and needs medi-cal consultation.
Biotin hair growth is exactly what do avoid these problems., successfully end, and ideally
There are lots of advantages of Biotin hair growth.
To begin with, the vitamin is easily available and could be taken by tablet form once daily. Some shampoos have Biotin in them; nevertheless it is a lot more likely to complete you good when ingested.
Subsequently, Biotin is very safe, and justifies no risk even if taken in large amounts. Demonstrably I'm perhaps not referring to taking a pill box each day, nevertheless tests have now been found that in the event that you consumption quantities of Biotin much more than required to restore your own hair, the chances of any side-effects is minuscule.
Finally, Biotin hair growth is just a very inexpensive method to approach your hair loss situation. We're referring to a package of drugs, not diamonds.
I believe you will get quite a good picture of the ability of Biotin hair growth, with all this said in done. It's a technique that keeps on showing it self, keeps on providing, and keeps on assisting individuals keep their hair.
Just like you'd say when you experience something great,
By Harry Donovan
Included in my strategy to assist people in beating the hair loss situation, I felt obliged to see you, the reader, of still another answer, Biotin hair growth.
I really believe this process can help you resolve your problem.
Feel free to go to my web site for additional information and techniques on the best way to defeat hair thinning
Chirag savaliya is a dedicated internet researcher of health issues including hair loss. She shares her research on her website, If you suffer from male/female pattern baldness or other hair loss disorders, Biotin to learn about natural alternatives to thinning hair for both men and women.Crow Laser Hair Loss Treatment For Women - Affordable And Effective (Website seo)
In common cases, hair loss in women is caused by DHT. Have a look at the information regarding DHT in more detail. DHT is androgen and testosterone combination mixed with dirt particles and sebum. DHT can have a terrible upshot on the hair-follicle, resulting in the hair loss. Sebum buildup disturbs the hair bulb which causes hair thinning.
Hair loss treatment for women:
So, basically it is the sebum and DHT which cause hair loss in most of the cases. A hair loss treatment for women that can take care of these two elements will give effective results when it comes to preventing hair loss. There are products in the market that can put a stop on the dirt and the Sebum buildup in hair follicles. You can use such products and treat the hair loss problem easily.
Apart from hair loss treatment products, you can go for treatments such as laser therapy. Crown laser therapy is an effective women’s hair loss treatment which is painless and very affordable. The first step would be to find a reputed clinic where you can get instant diagnostic done followed by the proper treatment. First of all they will inspect your scalp and if the problem is not related to androgenic alopecia, you will be asked to make changes in diet and hair care products.
Laser treatment:
Even if you are diagnosed with androgenic alopecia, you got nothing to worry about as the laser treatment is painless, very effective and affordable too. With this treatment almost hundred percent of people experience success.
A laser hair loss treatment for women is very effective and affordable option. Before the treatment, make sure to have to check up done be expert dermatologist. It’s a painless treatment that is affordable for women. Research the internet to find a reputed clinic near you for the treatment. The hair loss problem is common hence it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Seek the treatment early, as you will have a chance to recover soon.

Hairline Lowering New York - Important Things To Know About Hairline Lowering
If you're thinking of undergoing hairline lowering in New York, you've no doubt already done some preliminary research. However, there are a few things that many people miss out on when looking into this subject, as well as a few common misconceptions. Here are a few key facts to know and take into account before you have a hairline lowering procedure done.
First, there are a few misconceptions about how hairline lowering works. Hairline lowering is the same thing as forehead reduction surgery. Many people think that hairline lowering is more affordable and less drastic, but in reality, they are the same thing. The actual cost and the amount of time that go into the procedure are determined by the amount of lowering desired as well as factors like scalp flexibility. Many people also fail to realize that hairline lowering can be a one- or two-stage procedure; if the scalp is flexible and much lowering isn't needed, it will be a one-stage procedure.
Many people also don't realize that shock hair loss can sometimes occur after the lowering procedure. In this case, the lowest hair along the frontal line may fall out, but this is temporary; patients can expect the lowered hair to grow back within three months. Patients expecting drastic and guaranteed great results may be a little disappointed, but they won't have to wait long for their hair to grow back in fully. Patients may also experience some scalp numbness for a longer period of time, but this effect should wear off after half a year. Advantageously, infections in procedures that involve the scalp are very rare, so this is one thing that patients don't need to stress about before having hairline lowering in New York.
Technically, any cosmetic surgeon can perform hairline lowering. Many people believe that if a surgeon lists this service, he or she must have some kind of specialty or certification in it. Since this isn't the case, patients need to be especially careful to do their research on clinics offering hairline lowering in New York. Patients should look for before and after photos as well as reviews from past clients. Finally, it pays to know if you are considering having other treatments done, and if your surgeon has experience in those as well. For instance, people who are considering having a complementing surgery such as a brow lift can benefit from having both procedures done at the same time.
These are just a few useful things to know about hairline lowering in New York. If you are looking to have the procedure done, it's important that you are thorough in doing your research beforehand so that you can understand what you're getting into and be sure of finding a top clinic.
Rate this ArticleHairline Lowering New York - Important Things To Know About Hairline LoweringNot Rated YetBobby Roberts has published 31 articles. Article submitted on August 16, 2013. Word count: 456There are so many anti-aging products on the market that to make a choice is quite unnerving. So rather than spending hundreds on trying different products, you should narrow down the selection and find the solution most suited to you. Here are 5 things to know about anti aging skin care products.
Written by: Bruno VigneaultEveryone aspires to look good. However, being beautiful sometimes is a daunting process. You can't obtain beauty in an instant. It requires much hard work, patience and the right attitude to be the pretty person you long dream of.
Written by: Usman AkhtarEach month, a woman's breasts go through a series of temporary changes associated with menstruation, including the possibility of forming a lump. Although most of these lumps are not cancerous, any of them should be examined immediately.
Written by: Stefania ConstantinYour hair is perhaps your most noticeable trait, especially if you are a woman. While women spend lots of time and money treating their hair, there are many things that most of them don't know about their hair.
Written by: Mohit M JainThis post was made using the Auto Blogging Software from This line will not appear when posts are made after activating the software to full version.
The Biotin Hair Thinning Formula (Chirag Savaliya)
Biotin can be found in nuts, egg yolks, brown grain, soybeans and green peas. There's also several shampoos which contain biotin. You may also get biotin through a tablet if not through and shot. Since biotin binds easily with meats, high-protein must be avoided while using biotin. If you want the body to absorb biotin more properly then attempt to reduce protein and when you do eat protein. simply take more biotin
Many people are observed that actually can't absorb biotin whatsoever. These folks in many cases are type A blood. It's perhaps not know why that is. You must only simply take 5 to 8 grams every day if you're type A blood. There are not any negative effects from biotin so you may use around you need.
The quantity of biotin that the person should get daily is likely to be determined by their fat, age, peak and caloric requirements. People demonstrably must simply take significantly more than teenagers and teenagers.
If you're worried about just how much you must take then contact your physician to locate what volume could be advantageous to you. An injection can be even prescribed by your doctor for you personally so that your human anatomy can absorb it easier and faster. This can be a good way to more biotin. It's really as much as your physician, though.
You might be selecting the best option if you'd rather use biotin wash or perhaps a external treatment then. Lots of people think that these remedies work the very best. Biotin is hard and heavy for that skin to absorb. For this reason you need to also simply take oral remedies alongside biotin wash or external therapy. A product might help the body absorb more biotin and do more for the hair.
If your fingernails break super easy or you're vulnerable to acne or harmful skin then you might have biotin deficiency. Biotin deficiency may cause lots of issues with your skin, hair and nails. For this reason you should contact your doctor to have some guidance. You physician can suggest the easiest way to obtain more biotin.
Therefore if you're experiencing hair thinning then you must decide to try biotin as a type of therapy. Whether you use it on your face, ingest it like a tablet or apply it on you'll start to see results from it very quickly. It's worth a decide to try. Your hair may be worth it and therefore are you.
Chirag savaliya is a dedicated internet researcher of health issues including hair loss. She shares her research on her If you suffer from male/female pattern baldness or other hair loss disorders, Biotin, side Effects of Biotin to learn about natural alternatives to thinning hair for both men and women.Laser Treatment as Safest Option to Prevent Baldness
"Blood Circulation Grows Hair Effectively"
Thick strands add to the beauty and appeal of the person. And its enemy, baldy patches, are always willing to snatch away the good looks from the person. Now, in this fight of good appeal and baldy patches, it is necessary to deal with the condition effectively and win over the evil enemy. So, in this case, it is necessary to look out for the effective measures or gather the force to fight in battle. Indeed, the leader of the force in this concern is the laser treatment that is considered excellent to prevent baldness and make the person look smarter.
Opposite to the name's ferocious attitude, this treatment is considered as the optimum solution and instant baldness cure. Though, a bit surgical process; it is not intended to harm anyone or requires cuts at all. So, one should not worry about getting treatment at all. As a part of the laser treatment, laser lights are contacted with head directly. This does not mean that it will harm anything; rather, these laser lights are low in temperature and is intended to stimulate the hair growth in the person facing social cut offs. When, the laser light is directed towards scalp, Adenosine Triphosphate is switched off to Adenosine Diphosphate.
As a part to prevent baldness, this process is intended to release excess amount of energy that can make alterations in the metabolism of cells. Another good thing about this process as instant baldness cure is that in increases the blood circulation and flow of ample oxygen with specialized nutrients that are willing to assist in the bettering of chemical process between cells. Well, this treatment is extremely favorable and can let the person feel safe. After all, good looks are the growing demand of fashion conscious world and an essence of perfection is always needed in it.
So, this increases the diameter of the hair shaft and ultimately, dead tissues are awakened to start effective hair growth. With this treatment, the problem of how to prevent baldness is surely going to get solved without doubt. This is the reason that, in this fashion conscious world, people are taking help of instant baldness cure that may enable them to revive their lost look and get the things done easily. After all, money does not matter much, when it comes to get great looks and be the centre of attraction among friends or relatives.
Though, it is a minimal invasive surgical process to answer the question of how to prevent baldness; still, it is highly necessary to look out for reputed surgeons in this case. After all, it is the matter of head and compromises do not have any place at all. So, it is necessary to research a lot before reaching any conclusion to get this instant baldness cure. This also includes finding the suitable hospitals or treatment clinics over the internet. It is because internet is the safest option to access needed information within a couple of minutes only. You can contemplate buying Rapid Hair Fiber to make sure your baldness issues are hidden from the world.
Rate this ArticleLaser Treatment as Safest Option to Prevent BaldnessNot Rated YetShivani Kashyap has published 18 articles. Article submitted on August 14, 2013. Word count: 516Baldness, also known as alopecia, is hair loss, or absence of hair. Baldness is usually most noticeable on the scalp, but can occur anywhere on the body where hair grows. Common baldness , sometimes called male or female-pattern baldness, accounts for 99 percent of hair loss in men and women.
Written by: Anjali Raj SharmaMale pattern baldness can be very distressful to the feelings. It is important to have natural hair loss remedy to efficiently stop it.
Written by: Sonia AguilaMen hair loss is the most common type of hair loss. Previously, baldness was frequently seen as something regrettable or undesirable.
Written by: Thomas JoshuaHerbs have been found beneficial and effective in stopping hair fall and promoting hair growth. Use of herbs is much cheaper, effective and convenient time tested method for preventing hair loss which works for men and women alike and irrespective of age.
Written by: John NarukaThis post was made using the Auto Blogging Software from This line will not appear when posts are made after activating the software to full version.